
Who Sells The Best Celebs Flaunt Exotic & Nearly Vintage Bags from Chloé, Dior, Hermès, & More Replica Handbags Lowest Price

Celebs stepped out with some truly unusual bag choices this week. There were minis galore, fetching marble-effect clutches from Edie Parker, exotic pouchettes from Hermès and a Chloé bag that is certain to give you vivid flashbacks of the mid-aughts. Also, one of our favorite celebrity handbag collectors has just given birth to a baby that is already richer than any of us! All that and more, below.

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Bella Thorne
The stitching quality of a bag can make or break a replica, and also the case of this Lady Dior replicate it makes the tote. Once more making a contrast to Chanel, the stitching is something that easily gives a fake when it comes to that new too as you observe an overly bloated traditional flap. If your copy does not have a fantastic stitch count on par with the original you don’t need to look at some other features as it is bad imitation period.My last and favorite location of a replica tote I peek at as a way to judge in order to appraise the quality is the inside of this bag. A counter quality bag and a fair bag may appear similar in many regards however the inside is generally what gives the bag away as fake. Most replicate manufacturers use fake leather on the inside of a bag because they’re economical and trying to maximize their buck made. I look for a counter excellent model of a bag which has actual leather or authentic quality fabric on the interior, also in this event the Dior’s interior is made out of real leather trimmings on the interior leather zipper while the true interior is summarized with a red logo imprinted fabric.For those of you who have not heard of the Diorissimo (and are living under a rock) — Meet with the Lady Dior’s Modern rival. Both totes have some striking similarities such as the top handles along with the Dior charms hanging from the handle. On the other hand, the Diorissimo is created for the Dynamic 21st century woman who is constantly on the go, one is on top of her fashion match but doesn’t overlook tranquility and comfort.
Chanel Graffiti Backpack

Here’s Bella Thorne at LAX with her sister, headed to the Eternal City. She brought her Chanel Graffiti Backpack along for her little Roman holiday. It’s been a spell since we’ve seen Bella Thorne or this backpack in the wild.


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Emma Roberts
Edie Parker Oscar Crossbody Clutch
$678 via

Paps snapped this gorgeous shot of Emma Roberts while she was out promoting her new flick Nerve in NYC. She’s carrying an Edie Parker Oscar Crossbody Clutch, which comes in a wide range of marble-effects and patterns.


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Gigi Hadid
Versace Palazzo Empire Mini Bag
$2,166 via

Gigi Hadid was recently spotted out and about in the East Village with her favorite Versace mini. Gigi is seriously committed to this new Versace style; she may love it almost as much as most celebs pretend to love fresh green juice.


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Kendall Jenner
Givenchy Bow Cut Clutch
$1,790 via Saks

Here are two things you don’t see every day: a Givenchy Bow Cut Clutch AND Kendall Jenner wearing a fringed leather cowboy jacket. Kendall and Gigi are both in NYC right now, and strangely, I don’t think either made a single appearance at Paris Couture Week.


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Kris Jenner
Hermès Alligator Kelly Pouchette

Back in LA, here’s Mama Kris, leaving Craig’s with her very tiny, very expensive Hermès Alligator Kelly Pouchette. I don’t know the exact price details for this one, but: it’s a lot.


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Nicky Hilton
Chloé Paddington Bag
Shop Chloé via Neiman Marcus

Nicky Hilton was spotted carrying a serious throwback bag in NYC. YES, it’s the Chloé Paddington Bag, and it looks absolutely pristine for its age. Nicky gave birth in the mere days since this photo was taken; she has a brand new baby girl, and her name is Lily-Grace. Welcome to the world, tiny heiress!


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Dior Diorama Bag

Ri-Ri is still in London, partying it up with Drake and all of her many, many Dior Diorama Bags. In Rihanna’s next Dior ad campaign, she should appear completely backlit by a wall of highly reflective metallic leather Dioramas. There are so, so many to choose from.


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Sofia Richie
Céline Nano Luggage Tote

Finally, here’s Sofia Richie, hanging out at The Nice Guy with a friend. She’s carrying a muted brown leather Céline Nano Luggage Tote. The Daily Mail informed me that Brandi Glanville got turned away at the door shortly afterward. So that’s the kind of world we live in, friends. Lionel Richie’s spawn are always welcome behind the velvet rope, but Real Housewives of seasons past get bounced.
