
Do You Buy Bella Hadid is Living Up to Her Handbag-Carrying Duties as the Latest Face of Dior Wholesale Suppliers

I paid for a counter quality replica which means that the bag is as close to the real deal as possible — in case you have been reading the site previously you know I don’t like to mess around with poor fakes — they’re a waste of money in my view & I’m purchasing the bag to last so long as the original therefore I only shop for the very best. The features of the particular bag which make it counter quality include the caliber, the hardware quality, the stitching, the interior of the bag, and the general feel of the bag. I shall go into detail about those details under:The leather of the bag is real lambskin leather and I must tell you it is uber supple. Genuine lambskin leather should have a superb buttery texture and the leather on this bag gets a significant pass in regards to this criteria. The leather is very comparable to the Chanel classic flap series that ought to likewise be super butter-y. If you purchase a poor fake with fake leather which will ruin the entire look of this tote as the quality of the leather will be visible from a mile away.Good excellent hardware should be as thick as the first. Dior is a new that’s in the middle when it comes to hardware heaviness. The bag also has little pegs at the base to block it from getting dirty and also prevents the leather from becoming scratched. I personally hate it when manufacturers create bags with delicate leather like lambskin and do not include feet in the bottom (especially if you wind up opting for the real tote and spending 4 expansive), but fortunately the Lady Dior is not one of those bags!

Bella Hadid was tapped to be the new face of Dior Beauty last spring, and like any good celeb brand ambassador, she takes her role very seriously. Dior has been outfitting Bella with their handbags, apparel, make-up (presumably) and even undies for months now. I have no idea what many-figure sum Dior execs are paying her, but I think these photos prove that they’re getting their money’s worth.

Dior doesn’t sell its bags online, but you can shop a wide selection of pre-owned Dior bags via Vestiaire Collective.

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Dior Diorama Bag

Bella carried this basic black Dior Diorama to a party hosted by Dior Beauty and V Magazine in NYC. Her leather gown is from Dior’s Spring 2017 runway show, and don’t miss her Dior-branded bra straps. You’ll definitely be seeing those again.


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Dior Diorama Bag

Here she is armed with an uber-pale pink version of the Diorama as she leaves a show during NYFW.


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Dior Diorama Bag

She also owns this eye-catching metallic leather version of the Diorama, which she carried during Milan Fashion Week. I really enjoy the crazy 90s Euro vibe of this outfit.


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Dior Diorama Bag

Here’s a better look at what I believe is that same bag. Bella tucked most of the strap into the bag to carry it to Sexy Fish in London.


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Dior Diorever Clutch

Bella paired a metallic leather Dior Diorever Clutch with the flashy ensemble she wore to her most recent birthday dinner in NYC. Her mom Yolanda Hadid and boyfriend The Weeknd were also in attendance.


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Dior Diorever Clutch

She turned to this Diorever once again when she attended the Ralph Lauren show during NYFW in NYC. This is a very Ralph Lauren-appropriate look.


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Dior Lady Dior Bag

Bella wore this fully Dior ensemble to the brand’s recent beauty book launch in NYC. Her tiny, sequined ombre Lady Dior really pops with her fresh-off-the-runway gown and make-up. Dior: The Art of Color is in bookstores now, so there’s someone’s Christmas gift sorted.


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Dior Diorever Mini Bag

Finally, here she is leaving the Marc Jacobs show at NYFW with a fetching black mini Diorever with white trim. Her designer sunglasses game really deserves its own post.
