The Best Replica Prada Reissues Its Iconic Nylon Mini Bag

Within the past two years purse lovers have been blessed with the resurgence of some of the best bags from the previous two decades. While some brands have selected to dig in their archives for inspiration, designing new bags that mix modernity with components from bags of yesteryear tied in, other designers have opted to bring back particular bags entirely.

Replica Prada Black Nylon Mini Bag

Replica Prada’s nylon, that was wildly popular from the late 90s and early 2000s has witnessed a return in popularity during the previous year and a half and rightfully so–it’s both fashionable and exceptionally durable. And today, ten decades later Prada is reissuing among its most iconic nylon fashions. Meet the Prada Re-Edition 2000.
Replica Prada-Nylon-Mini-ReissuePrada-Nylon-Mini-Reissue-6

Prada Nylon Mini Bag
Beloved by celebs which were just babies once the bag was initially introduced, Bella Hadid and Kendall Jenner have been seen carrying the first version of the Fendi Karlito Tote Bag Replica, making it a no-brainer for Replica Prada to reissue. True to its name, this classic tote first launched in 2000 and instantly became a fan favorite because of its baguette-like form and nylon material, which at the time was all the rage.

Replica Prada Nylon Mini Bag
The Re-Edition 2000, shown above in blue, is not all that different from the first, which can be imagined in lime green alongside the reissue (we’re grateful to have friends who’ve vintage Prada!) . The shape and size remains precisely the exact same and while the reissue is nearly identical to the original, there are a couple of notable differences. We found the Re-Edition 2000 to become slightly more ordered than the original, and the interior is lined in Replica Prada’s Matinee Bag classic lining,

prada pink nylon mini bag

which not all versions of the first possess. The zipper pull on the update is crafted from iconic Replica Prada Saffiano leather and there is also a removable Saffiano hangtag that reads’Prada Re-Edition 2000′. This iconic bag comes into a rainbow of interesting colors in addition to the brand’s classic black. Available for $725, the Re-Edition 2000 is starting this coming Monday on, and our internal teen hearts are singing a happy tune.