The allure of Prada Saffiano Work Bag Replica bags has dampened recently, as the original flooded the luxury market (where scarcity fuels need) and similar styles at lower price points captured the rest of the segment. It’s unsurprising that Prada’s 2014 profits suffered a 28% fall from the prior year and sales of leather products stagnated. I purchased my first Prada Saffiano Tote with some compliments and while it is not a buy I’ve regretted, I was nevertheless struck by how firmly I made the decision to purchase exactly the identical bag again (this time in green). “Larice,” Italian for larch, is a dark green, more blue than yellow using a reasonable number of black blended in. And once the bag was in my possession, I could not bear to part with it. In talking to fellow lovers of the colour green, I discover that they’re generally indiscriminate; they adore mint, walnut, olive, forest, emerald, teal, neon green, etc. alike. While I enjoy all shades of green, then I reserve a radical level of obsession for forest green. I won’t talk at length about the tote’s workmanship for the same reason that I gave in my last review of this Prada Saffiano Lux Tote, but it has not enhanced (and for what it’s worth, the quality has also not worsened).
Besides selling their most-wanted saffiano totes, Prada has quite a large number of tiny-pretty-things that you will love to own. And if a productive shopping spree is a compulsory, do not forget to check these items out. At the end of your shopping day, it’s always better to buy a few things right, than a many things wrong.
The secret is in the production process of their traditional saffiano leathers and to make their jewelry collection exceptional (separating themselves apart from all-the-other brands), they figured out a way to blend saffiano leather nicely with jewel-stones to make earrings, necklace and bracelets.
Not only will you shine away by the bright colors, but these pieces are going to add an incredible ‘bling’ to your entire outfit. Sometimes it’s the little-expensive-things that are missing to finalize your total look and its okay when people start to stare at you.
Go through the sliders to find out more pieces of Prada jewelries, we have handpicked the best of the best of the entire collection. Prices ranging from €400 to €800 at Prada e-store.