The Mulberry Bags Net A Porter Replica Lily Shoulder Bag has always been the ‘darling’ of the fashion brand. The new mini, though in miniature-sized, doesn’t mean minimal use. The mini bag has been designed as thoughtfully as their larger-sized, and the new ‘Mulberry Mini Lily Shoulder Bag’ is no exception.
It’s simple but impressive. Whether you pick black or yellow, the Mulberry Iconic Turn-Lock Fastening is standing out. Made from grainy leather – smooth and durable. It also comes with a woven chain strap, which adds a touch of elegance to it.
The interior is perfect for when you go out at night or when you do not feel like carrying an oversized handbag. The Mulberry Mini Lily Shoulder Bag can carry all your small essentials, like money, keys or a few make-up items.
British model and actress Rosie Huntington-Whiteley was recently photographed at the airport in LA carrying a cheetah Mulberry Del Rey Animal Print Bag. (You’ve definitely seen Rosie in Victoria’s Secret lingerie, and you might’ve seen her in Transformers 3, but I am sort of hoping you did not.) Young British celebs adore their Mulberry, which is obviously established in London, like a lot of my other fave designer brands. You can snag the conventional black leather version of the Del Ray Bag for $1,500 in Net-a-Porter. I would not be shocked if Rosie Huntington-Whiteley will probably get her very own namesake bag soon, although I sincerely hope they simply call it the “Rosie”, and not the “Huntington-Whiteley.” The “Hot Blond English Babe Bag” would also be adequate, methinks.On one hand, no one looks more dour in paparazzi photographs than Reese Witherspoon; on the other hand, they do tend to follow her inside fro-yo shops, which is probably irritating. Here’s a less-than-pleased-looking Reese carrying an especially gratifying tan Mulberry Tassel Bag through a quick yogurt halt in Hollywood. Hardcore Mulberry fans will notice this tote is essentially the Mulberry Alexa, but with massive tassels. The black suede version of this very bag can be obtained for $1833 at MyTheresa.
Measuring 4.5’ x 5’ x 2’ (H x W x D) inches, priced around $590 USD and €430 euro’s via Mulberry boutique or MyTheresa.